2024-08-02: From idea to shipped feature in a flash: How the sausage gets made with an AI Assistant I’ve written at length about working with AI (ChatGPT-4o to be precise), but I haven’t …

2024-07-27: Can a seasoned software engineer and AI write a fully-featured, mature app in a month? Exactly one month ago, on June 27, I decided to try an experiment – could I rewrite my long term …

2024-07-18: I’ve shipped 6 builds in 7 days of my new app since its release last Friday. Almost every night I …

2024-07-15: July 15, my self-imposed ship date - how did I do? “Real artists ship.” When Steve Jobs said that phrase, he was talking about literal artists like …

2024-07-08: Wait, did we just finish this thing?? 12 days. 12 days, working an hour or two in the mornings and several over the weekend. That’s all …

2024-07-03: Human-driven AI development experiment continues... "Hey how well do you know mobile app development, particularly for iOS using Swift?” That’s how my …

2024-06-30: Is ChatGPT smart enough to rewrite my app in a month? An experiment For 15 years, I’ve had at least one app in the App Store – some version or another of Hamster Soup, …

2024-06-19: I saw a meme saying the Tesla Cybertruck is a Pontiac Aztek with Playstation 1 graphics, and now I …

2024-06-02: #Apple needs to get their shit together with their #AirPods. I have the latest AirPods Pro and …

2024-05-13: With what #OpenAI is demoing right now, and #GoogleIO tomorrow, and #Apple #WWDC coming next month, …

2024-05-12: Zuck was right – Quest 3 *IS* better than Apple Vision Pro 😳 Several weeks ago I went to the Apple Store and checked out the Apple Vision Pro demo. It was …

2024-04-13: I just paid my electric bill and noticed that last month, for the first time, our power usage was …

2024-03-25: I built a GPT copilot to land a new role – here's what I learned In November 2023, I was laid off unexpectedly from my role as an Engineering Manager at BigCommerce. …

2024-03-22: Maybe a hot take, but after demoing an Apple Vision Pro and now using a Meta Quest 3 for a week… …

2024-03-18: Sometimes these generic fortunes are hilariously on point - and why we still believe in them a …

2024-03-09: Yesterday I accepted an offer, four months to the day from when I was laid off unexpectedly from …

2024-03-05: Artificial Intelligence coming for jobs is just the next evolution of automation There is a lot of consternation around the growing proliferation and power of Artificial …

2024-03-01: Last Day (kinda) at BigCommerce So because I was part of the layoffs in November, it’s not *really* my last day at BigCommerce. That …

2024-02-21: I never hear anyone complain about the #Finewoven iPhone cases anymore. I do know that my Taupe one …

2024-01-24: What's with all the layoffs lately? People try to blame AI for all the layoffs in tech, but I think it’s something else entirely. …

2024-01-21: I finally bought a Kindle and received it on Friday. I was always a reader growing up, but the last …

2024-01-17: I got laid off unexpectedly back in November from my job managing a mobile apps team. Having been a …

2023-05-21: It’s been on my list forever so I probably should have purchased Red Sweater Software’s MarsEdit …

2023-03-28: Well, looks like my streak of never having COVID has come to an end. I suppose it was inevitable. …

2023-02-12: Did not have fireworks going off in multiple directions in Cedar Park, TX after the #Chiefs won the …

2023-02-12: My unscientific analysis of the #SuperBowl so far is there are way more #Philly #Eagles fans …

2023-02-12: I got tired of dealing with smart bulbs of various different brands, that would disconnect from our …

2023-02-11: Planning an upcoming round trip from Austin to Vegas and back, and looking at what all there is to …